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Friday 12th Jul, 2024

Chords Construction 03: 9ths Intermediate

Connor Kaminski

9th chords are great. They sound jazzy and have been used heavily in math rock and beyond...


Friday 28th Jun, 2024

Root 5 With 6-7 Pivot

James Graydon

Learn the do's and don'ts of Latin with a trick that introduces a 6-7 chordal pivot...


Tuesday 11th Jun, 2024

Chords Construction 03: 9ths Beginner

Connor Kaminski

9th chords are great. They sound jazzy and have been used heavily in math rock and beyond...


Tuesday 21st May, 2024

Denny Ilett Improv Solo 02

Denny Ilett

Join Denny in taking on a backing track he's never heard before.



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